Upon meeting someone new, or someone I had not seen in a while, my mind would shift to overdrive, constantly replaying what I said. The conversation and what I said would play in my head over and over until it felt like every possible negative scenario had been played out. By the time my mind was finished, there was no possibility of recalling the moment joyfully. In these moments, I picture my mind as a room, completely empty, except for an old-school record player, a bookshelf full of perfect records and massacred ones decorating the walls. Each record is a thought, the machine is my brain, and the stylus is my mind. The brain houses the mind, while the mind wreaks havoc on each and every thought.
The stylus of my machine
Leaves a permanent mark.
If my every thought is a record
Of the decisions I’ve made,
Then each reflection is not mint;
It is massacred yet displayed.
Let us put one in;
Allow it to spin a couple of times,
Let the groove of my stylus
Dig deep in the vinyl mime.
My mind’s throat, wrists,
And femoral artery
All sliced in unison:
A stylus’ surgery.
With each revolution
The needle digs deeper.
Ignore trypanophobia;
This is a failed minesweeper.
The tip of the instrument
Is denser than osmium.
The muscles of my mind climb
Over the matter that digs in.
There is no off button.
No stopping the turn.
No way to lift
The roman candles burn.
A scab cannot form
As with each millisecond
This battered thought
Is once again beckoned.
Each of these records
Is sadistically attracted
Until every negative outcome
Has been brutally extracted.
And when that stylus
Finally breaks though the vinyl,
It is stored on the shelf.
The next one: suicidal.
On the shelf, those records
Are scarred, not broken,
And though they weigh so much,
Their record will never be spoken.
I cannot break these records:
Their scars are all of my regrets; postmarked.