2017-2018 Team
Zoë Goldstein – Co-Creator & Editor-in-Chief
Zoë Goldstein is in her final year at McGill studying Psychology and Russian Literature. She loves autumn leaves, her family, and books more than is reasonable. She also considers herself to be an advocate for men’s emotional health—a long neglected area. One day, she hopes to be a therapist (for both individuals and couples) and own a dog. Right now, she’s wondering how to best develop empathy and emotional intelligence in children, boys in particular.
Alice Leclercq – Co-Creator & Editor-in-Chief
Alice Leclercq (pronounced ‘a lease’) is currently in her fourth year at McGill studying Psychology, Spanish, and Chemistry. Alice explores the world through her love of adventure, traveling, and cooking. She enjoys the sun, hiking, and snowboarding, as well as good cheese; she is French after all…
Alice will be away on exchange in Spain for the start of 2018 before returning to complete her B.Sc. at McGill and eventually entering the void that is adulthood.
Yana Zakutaylo – Editor
Yana Zakutaylo is a first year McGill student in Psychology and Linguistics. Other than trying to uncover a good milkshake place around the downtown campus, she passes her time absorbed in her classes, writing original fiction, and reading people’s accounts of their mental health experiences.
Nick Denton – Editor
Nick Denton graduated from McGill in 2017 with a B.A. in Psychology, and from Concordia in 2011 with a B.A. in English Literature. While at McGill, he worked as a research assistant, and later as a peer supporter at the Peer Support Centre. Nick plans to continue working in mental health, and is presently applying to grad schools. He likes playing music, reading magical realism, and watching movies, among other things.
Sanjna Navani – Editor
Sanjna Navani is a U2 student from Delhi, majoring in Psychology and English Literature. She loves reading fiction, watching movies, writing (subpar) poetry, and really getting to know people! She finds the rain extraordinarily soothing and can be found taking walks when it drizzles.
Ryan Pecore – VP Promotion
Ryan Pecore is a fifth year student Psychology major from rural Ontario. He is fabulously queer, always out of wine, and seemingly late to everything. One day, he hopes to work in public health to better understand and address the health disparities that the LGBTQ+ community faces. A fundamental
belief of his is that everyone is doing the best they can with the tools they have.